Quantities   (AMR annotation guidance)


Precise (Scientific) Quantities

Precise scientific quantities typically have two arguments, :unit and :quant :

Example:  "ten miles"
     (d / distance-quantity :quant 10
           :unit (m / mile))

Example:  "3,794,100 square miles"
     (a / area-quantity :quant 3794100
           :unit (s2 / square-mile))

Example:  "20 Canadian dollars"
     (m / monetary-quantity :quant 20
           :unit (d / dollar
                 :mod (c / country :wiki "Canada"
                       :name (n / name :op1 "Canada"))))

Example:  "The plane crash occurred 50 miles east of Moscow."
     (c / crash-01
           :ARG1 (p / plane)
           :location (r / relative-position
                 :op1 (c2 / city :wiki "Moscow"
                       :name (n / name :op1 "Moscow"))
                 :quant (d / distance-quantity :quant 50
                       :unit (m / mile))
                 :direction (e / east)))

Example:  The woman bought two gallons of milk.
     (b / buy-01
           :ARG0 (w / woman)
           :ARG1 (m / milk
                 :quant (v / volume-quantity :quant 2
                       :unit (g / gallon))))

Note that milk is the (semantic) head of  two gallons of milk.

Example:  "7.9 on the Richter scale"
     (s / seismic-quantity :quant 7.9
           :scale (r / richter))

Note that :scale is used (instead of :unit) in quantities where a :quant 0 value does not represent a 0-quantity.

Note that we use  weight-quantity, volume-quantity etc. only for "scientific" quantities, but not in cases such as the two examples below:

Example:  "He carried a sack of rice ."
     (c / carry-01
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :ARG1 (r / rice
                 :quant (s / sack)))

Example:  "He drank a lot of beer ."
     (d / drink-01
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :ARG1 (b / beer
                 :quant (l / lot)))

Here is a complete list of quantity types (monetary-quantity, distance-quantity, ...).

Non-Exact Quantities

Example:  The performance will take between 45 minutes and an hour.
     (p / perform-01
           :duration (b / between
                 :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 45
                       :unit (m / minute))
                 :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                       :unit (h / hour))))

Note that the non-exact concept heads the precise quantities. One reason for that is because such a concept can take more than one argument, as in the case of  between. The concept operates over quantities (45 minutes, 1 hour) rather than numbers (45, 1), because the units of the quantities can differ.

Example:  more than $10
     (m / more-than
           :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 10
                 :unit (d / dollar)))

It can also be argued that "modifiers" such as  more than  don't make an entity more specific in the way that  blue ball  is more specific than  ball  or in that  He ate an apple  is more specific than  eat .

more than $10 is not more specific than  $10.   Rather, it is a non-exact quantity being compared to  $10  as a reference, which, in our notation, is taken as an argument.

This is somewhat similar to syntactic modals such as  can being raised to semantically govern their erstwhile syntactic heads as  possible.

The list of fuzzy operator concepts that can go on top of precise quantities includes: about, above, almost, approximately, around, at-least, at-most, below, between (with roles :op1 and :op2), close-to, couple, few, less-than, lot, many, more-than, multiple, nearly, no-more-than, number, over, roughly, several, some, under, up-to

Example:  He retired more than five years ago .
     (r / retire-01
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :time (b / before
                 :op1 (n / now)
                 :quant (m / more-than
                       :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 5
                             :unit (y / year)))))

Example:  about 10 miles
     (a / about
           :op1 (d / distance-quantity :quant 10
                 :unit (m / mile)))

Modifiers such as  several and even  plurals are handled in a similar way as  more than and  about.

Example:  He is likely to serve on the court for several decades .
     (l / likely-01
           :ARG1 (s / serve-01
                 :ARG0 (h / he)
                 :ARG2 (c / court)
                 :duration (s2 / several
                       :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                             :unit (d / decade)))))

Example:  America was discovered several hundred years ago.
     (d / discover-01
           :ARG1 (c / continent :wiki "Americas"
                 :name (n / name :op1 "America"))
           :time (b / before
                 :op1 (n2 / now)
                 :quant (s / several
                       :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 100
                             :unit (y / year)))))

Example:  "He retired years ago ."
     (r / retire-01
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :time (b / before
                 :op1 (n / now)
                 :quant (m / multiple
                       :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                             :unit (y / year)))))

Example:  "The symptoms showed up decades later ."
     (s / show-up-02
           :ARG1 (s2 / symptom)
           :time (a / after
                 :quant (m2 / multiple
                       :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                             :unit (d / decade)))))

Numerical Quantities

Example:  "40,000 boys"
     (b / boy :quant 40000)

Example:  "a billion and half atoms"
     (a / atom :quant 1500000000)

Example:  between four and five thousand boys
     (b / boy
           :quant (b2 / between :op1 4000 :op2 5000))

Example:  several hundred boys
     (b / boy
           :quant (s / several :op1 100))

Example:  "hundreds of boys"
     (b / boy
           :quant (m / multiple :op1 100))

Note that in simple numerical quantities, we do not annotate for plurals:

Example:  "The boys ran away ."
     (r / run-02
           :ARG0 (b / boy)
           :direction (a / away))

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