VERBALIZE absolution TO absolve-01 VERBALIZE ad TO advertise-01 VERBALIZE adherence TO adhere-02 VERBALIZE administration TO administrate-01 VERBALIZE apparition TO appear-01 VERBALIZE approval TO approve-01 VERBALIZE acquittal TO acquit-01 VERBALIZE annoyance TO annoy-01 VERBALIZE aspiration TO aspire-01 VERBALIZE baptism TO baptize-01 VERBALIZE behavior TO behave-01 VERBALIZE betrayal TO betray-01 VERBALIZE blessing TO bless-01 VERBALIZE blockage TO block-01 VERBALIZE bombing TO bomb-01 VERBALIZE breakdown TO break-12 VERBALIZE breakup TO break-08 VERBALIZE coexistence TO coexist-01 VERBALIZE competition TO compete-01 VERBALIZE construction TO construct-01 VERBALIZE conversion TO convert-01 VERBALIZE cooperation TO cooperate-01 VERBALIZE crackdown TO crack-06 VERBALIZE creation TO create-01 VERBALIZE deceit TO deceive-01 VERBALIZE decryption TO decrypt-00 VERBALIZE descent TO descend-01 VERBALIZE dependence TO depend-01 VERBALIZE dependency TO depend-01 VERBALIZE destruction TO destroy-01 VERBALIZE detention TO detain-01 VERBALIZE devaluation TO devalue-01 VERBALIZE development TO develop-01 VERBALIZE development TO develop-02 VERBALIZE disarmament TO disarm-01 VERBALIZE dominance TO dominate-01 VERBALIZE election TO elect-01 VERBALIZE elimination TO eliminate-01 VERBALIZE encryption TO encrypt-01 VERBALIZE espionage TO spy-01 VERBALIZE expectation TO expect-01 VERBALIZE failure TO fail-01 VERBALIZE flight TO fly-01 VERBALIZE flight TO flee-01 VERBALIZE forgiveness TO forgive-01 VERBALIZE globalization TO globalize-01 VERBALIZE habitation TO inhabit-01 VERBALIZE hesitancy TO hesitate-01 VERBALIZE hijacking TO hijack-01 VERBALIZE invitation TO invite-01 VERBALIZE launching TO launch-01 VERBALIZE liberation TO liberate-01 VERBALIZE misunderstanding TO misunderstand-01 VERBALIZE negligence TO neglect-01 VERBALIZE opposition TO oppose-01 VERBALIZE ouster TO oust-01 VERBALIZE perseverance TO persevere-01 VERBALIZE prosperity TO prosper-01 VERBALIZE radiance TO radiate-01 VERBALIZE reactivation TO reactivate-01 VERBALIZE reconciliation TO reconcile-01 VERBALIZE reconstruction TO reconstruct-01 VERBALIZE reelection TO reelect-01 VERBALIZE regulation TO regulate-01 VERBALIZE reintegration TO reintegrate-01 VERBALIZE reunification TO re-unify-01 VERBALIZE reverence TO revere-01 VERBALIZE robbery TO rob-01 VERBALIZE starvation TO starve-01 VERBALIZE subjugation TO subjugate-01 VERBALIZE subversion TO subvert-01 VERBALIZE suppression TO suppress-01 VERBALIZE surveillance TO surveil-01 VERBALIZE takeover TO take-12 VERBALIZE transaction TO transact-01 VERBALIZE weaponization TO weaponize-01 VERBALIZE capability TO capable-41 VERBALIZE freedom TO free-41 VERBALIZE intention TO intent-41 VERBALIZE responsibility TO responsible-41 VERBALIZE safety TO safe-41 VERBALIZE shortage TO short-41 VERBALIZE abuser TO person :ARG0-of abuse-01 VERBALIZE actor TO person :ARG0-of act-01 VERBALIZE actress TO person :ARG0-of act-01 VERBALIZE adjuster TO person :ARG0-of adjust-01 VERBALIZE administration TO government-organization :ARG0-of administrate-01 VERBALIZE administration TO organization :ARG0-of administrate-01 VERBALIZE administrator TO person :ARG0-of administrate-01 VERBALIZE admirer TO person :ARG0-of admire-01 VERBALIZE advertiser TO person :ARG0-of advertise-01 VERBALIZE advisor TO person :ARG0-of advise-01 VERBALIZE announcer TO person :ARG0-of announce-01 VERBALIZE applicant TO person :ARG0-of apply-01 VERBALIZE assailant TO person :ARG0-of assail-01 VERBALIZE assassin TO person :ARG0-of assassinate-01 VERBALIZE assistant TO person :ARG0-of assist-01 VERBALIZE attacker TO person :ARG0-of attack-01 VERBALIZE attendee TO person :ARG0-of attend-01 VERBALIZE auditor TO person :ARG0-of audit-01 VERBALIZE author TO person :ARG0-of author-01 VERBALIZE baker TO person :ARG0-of bake-01 VERBALIZE beggar TO person :ARG0-of beg-01 VERBALIZE believer TO person :ARG0-of believe-01 VERBALIZE bidder TO person :ARG0-of bid-01 VERBALIZE bomber TO aircraft :ARG0-of bomb-01 VERBALIZE booster TO person :ARG0-of boost-01 VERBALIZE broadcaster TO organization :ARG0-of broadcast-01 VERBALIZE buyer TO person :ARG0-of buy-01 VERBALIZE campaigner TO person :ARG0-of campaign-01 VERBALIZE capitulator TO person :ARG0-of capitulate-01 VERBALIZE coach TO person :ARG0-of coach-01 VERBALIZE commentator TO person :ARG0-of comment-01 VERBALIZE competitor TO person :ARG0-of compete-01 VERBALIZE competitor TO person :ARG0-of compete-02 VERBALIZE composer TO person :ARG0-of compose-02 VERBALIZE commuter TO person :ARG0-of commute-01 VERBALIZE consumer TO person :ARG0-of consume-01 VERBALIZE contributor TO person :ARG0-of contribute-01 VERBALIZE controller TO person :ARG0-of control-01 VERBALIZE coordinator TO person :ARG0-of coordinate-01 VERBALIZE counselor TO person :ARG0-of counsel-01 VERBALIZE creator TO person :ARG0-of create-01 VERBALIZE dealer TO person :ARG0-of deal-01 VERBALIZE dealer TO person :ARG0-of deal-02 VERBALIZE dancer TO person :ARG0-of dance-01 VERBALIZE defender TO person :ARG0-of defend-01 VERBALIZE demonstrator TO person :ARG0-of demonstrate-01 VERBALIZE designer TO person :ARG0-of design-01 VERBALIZE deterrent TO thing :ARG0-of deter-01 VERBALIZE detector TO product :ARG0-of detect-01 VERBALIZE developer TO person :ARG0-of develop-02 VERBALIZE devotee TO person :ARG0-of devote-01 VERBALIZE digger TO person :ARG0-of dig-01 VERBALIZE distributor TO person :ARG0-of distribute-01 VERBALIZE diver TO person :ARG0-of dive-01 VERBALIZE drafter TO person :ARG0-of draft-01 VERBALIZE drinker TO person :ARG0-of drink-01 VERBALIZE driver TO person :ARG0-of drive-01 VERBALIZE eater TO person :ARG0-of eat-01 VERBALIZE entertainer TO person :ARG0-of entertain-01 VERBALIZE evaluator TO person :ARG0-of evaluate-01 VERBALIZE explorer TO person :ARG0-of explore-01 VERBALIZE extortionist TO person :ARG0-of extort-01 VERBALIZE farmer TO person :ARG0-of farm-01 VERBALIZE fertilizer TO thing :ARG0-of fertilize-01 VERBALIZE fighter TO aircraft :ARG0-of fight-01 VERBALIZE fighter TO person :ARG0-of fight-01 VERBALIZE filter TO product :ARG0-of filter-01 VERBALIZE financer TO person :ARG0-of finance-01 VERBALIZE financier TO person :ARG0-of finance-01 VERBALIZE fisherman TO person :ARG0-of fish-01 VERBALIZE follower TO person :ARG0-of follow-02 VERBALIZE founder TO person :ARG0-of found-01 VERBALIZE government TO government-organization :ARG0-of govern-01 VERBALIZE hacker TO person :ARG0-of hack-04 VERBALIZE healer TO person :ARG0-of heal-01 VERBALIZE hijacker TO person :ARG0-of hijack-01 VERBALIZE hitter TO person :ARG0-of hit-01 VERBALIZE holder TO person :ARG0-of hold-01 VERBALIZE hugger TO person :ARG0-of hug-01 VERBALIZE hunter TO person :ARG0-of hunt-01 VERBALIZE immigrant TO person :ARG0-of immigrate-01 VERBALIZE incentive TO thing :ARG0-of incentivize-01 VERBALIZE incinerator TO facility :ARG0-of incinerate-01 VERBALIZE indicator TO thing :ARG0-of indicate-01 VERBALIZE infiltrator TO person :ARG0-of infiltrate-01 VERBALIZE inhabitant TO person :ARG0-of inhabit-01 VERBALIZE inspector TO person :ARG0-of inspect-01 VERBALIZE interpreter TO person :ARG0-of interpret-01 VERBALIZE investigator TO person :ARG0-of investigate-01 VERBALIZE investor TO person :ARG0-of invest-01 VERBALIZE jogger TO person :ARG0-of jog-01 VERBALIZE judge TO person :ARG0-of judge-01 VERBALIZE kidnapper TO person :ARG0-of kidnap-01 VERBALIZE killer TO person :ARG0-of kill-01 VERBALIZE laborer TO person :ARG0-of labor-01 VERBALIZE launcher TO product :ARG0-of launch-01 VERBALIZE leader TO person :ARG0-of lead-01 VERBALIZE legislature TO government-organization :ARG0-of legislate-01 VERBALIZE leader TO person :ARG0-of lead-02 VERBALIZE liar TO person :ARG0-of lie-02 VERBALIZE lobbyist TO person :ARG0-of lobby-01 VERBALIZE maker TO organization :ARG0-of make-01 VERBALIZE maker TO person :ARG0-of make-01 VERBALIZE manager TO person :ARG0-of manage-01 VERBALIZE manufacturer TO company :ARG0-of manufacture-01 VERBALIZE merchant TO person :ARG0-of merchandise-01 VERBALIZE migrant TO person :ARG0-of migrate-01 VERBALIZE murderer TO person :ARG0-of murder-01 VERBALIZE narrator TO person :ARG0-of narrate-01 VERBALIZE observer TO person :ARG0-of observe-01 VERBALIZE operator TO person :ARG0-of operate-01 VERBALIZE organizer TO person :ARG0-of organize-01 VERBALIZE owner TO person :ARG0-of own-01 VERBALIZE painter TO person :ARG0-of paint-01 VERBALIZE painter TO person :ARG0-of paint-02 VERBALIZE participant TO person :ARG0-of participate-01 VERBALIZE passerby TO person :ARG0-of pass-17 VERBALIZE performer TO person :ARG0-of perform-01 VERBALIZE perpetrator TO person :ARG0-of perpetrate-01 VERBALIZE player TO person :ARG0-of play-01 VERBALIZE preacher TO person :ARG0-of preach-01 VERBALIZE predecessor TO person :ARG0-of precede-01 VERBALIZE producer TO person :ARG0-of produce-01 VERBALIZE prosecutor TO person :ARG0-of prosecute-01 VERBALIZE protester TO person :ARG0-of protest-01 VERBALIZE provider TO organization :ARG0-of provide-01 VERBALIZE publisher TO company :ARG0-of publish-01 VERBALIZE rapist TO person :ARG0-of rape-01 VERBALIZE reader TO person :ARG0-of read-01 VERBALIZE recipient TO thing :ARG0-of receive-01 VERBALIZE refinery TO facility :ARG0-of refine-01 VERBALIZE reformer TO person :ARG0-of reform-01 VERBALIZE regulator TO organization :ARG0-of regulate-01 VERBALIZE regulator TO person :ARG0-of regulate-01 VERBALIZE reporter TO person :ARG0-of report-01 VERBALIZE representative TO person :ARG0-of represent-01 VERBALIZE researcher TO person :ARG0-of research-01 VERBALIZE resident TO person :ARG0-of reside-01 VERBALIZE rioter TO person :ARG0-of riot-01 VERBALIZE runner TO person :ARG0-of run-02 VERBALIZE sailor TO person :ARG0-of sail-01 VERBALIZE seeker TO person :ARG0-of seek-01 VERBALIZE seller TO person :ARG0-of sell-01 VERBALIZE servant TO person :ARG0-of serve-01 VERBALIZE servant TO person :ARG0-of serve-02 VERBALIZE singer TO person :ARG0-of sing-01 VERBALIZE smoker TO person :ARG0-of smoke-02 VERBALIZE smuggler TO person :ARG0-of smuggle-01 VERBALIZE speaker TO person :ARG0-of speak-01 VERBALIZE specialist TO person :ARG0-of specialize-01 VERBALIZE speculator TO person :ARG0-of speculate-01 VERBALIZE spy TO person :ARG0-of spy-01 VERBALIZE squatter TO person :ARG0-of squat-02 VERBALIZE strategist TO person :ARG0-of strategize-01 VERBALIZE striker TO person :ARG0-of strike-01 VERBALIZE striker TO person :ARG0-of strike-02 VERBALIZE student TO person :ARG0-of study-01 VERBALIZE subscriber TO person :ARG0-of subscribe-01 VERBALIZE sufferer TO person :ARG0-of suffer-01 VERBALIZE supervisor TO person :ARG0-of supervise-01 VERBALIZE supplier TO organization :ARG0-of supply-01 VERBALIZE supporter TO person :ARG0-of support-01 VERBALIZE survivor TO person :ARG0-of survive-01 VERBALIZE teacher TO person :ARG0-of teach-01 VERBALIZE thinker TO person :ARG0-of think-01 VERBALIZE tippler TO person :ARG0-of tipple-00 VERBALIZE thrower TO person :ARG0-of throw-01 VERBALIZE tourist TO person :ARG0-of tour-01 VERBALIZE traitor TO person :ARG0-of betray-01 VERBALIZE trafficker TO person :ARG0-of traffic-00 VERBALIZE transferor TO person :ARG0-of transfer-01 VERBALIZE translator TO person :ARG0-of translate-01 VERBALIZE traveler TO person :ARG0-of travel-01 VERBALIZE user TO person :ARG0-of use-01 VERBALIZE vendor TO organization :ARG0-of vend-01 VERBALIZE vendor TO person :ARG0-of vend-01 VERBALIZE victor TO person :ARG0-of win-01 VERBALIZE visitor TO person :ARG0-of visit-01 VERBALIZE waiver TO thing :ARG0-of waive-01 VERBALIZE welder TO person :ARG0-of weld-01 VERBALIZE winner TO person :ARG0-of win-01 VERBALIZE wiper TO thing :ARG0-of wipe-01 VERBALIZE worker TO person :ARG0-of work-01 VERBALIZE writer TO person :ARG0-of write-01 VERBALIZE beekeeper TO person :ARG0-of keep-01 :ARG1 bee VERBALIZE filmmaker TO person :ARG0-of make-01 :ARG1 film VERBALIZE lamplighter TO person :ARG0-of light-01 :ARG1 lamp VERBALIZE landowner TO person :ARG0-of own-01 :ARG1 land VERBALIZE peacekeeper TO person :ARG0-of keep-01 :ARG1 peace VERBALIZE playwright TO person :ARG0-of write-01 :ARG1 play VERBALIZE taxpayer TO person :ARG0-of pay-01 :ARG1 tax VERBALIZE watchmaker TO person :ARG0-of make-01 :ARG1 watch VERBALIZE bassist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 bass VERBALIZE bassoonist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 bassoon VERBALIZE cellist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 cello VERBALIZE clarinetist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 clarinet VERBALIZE drummer TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 drum VERBALIZE flautist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 flute VERBALIZE flutist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 flute VERBALIZE hornist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 horn VERBALIZE oboist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 oboe VERBALIZE organist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 organ VERBALIZE percussionist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 percussion VERBALIZE pianist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 piano VERBALIZE trombonist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 trombone VERBALIZE trumpeter TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 trumpet VERBALIZE violinist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 violin VERBALIZE violist TO person :ARG0-of play-01 :ARG2 viola VERBALIZE drawing TO picture :ARG1-of draw-01 VERBALIZE employee TO person :ARG1-of employ-01 VERBALIZE expenditure TO thing :ARG1-of expend-01 VERBALIZE expense TO thing :ARG1-of expend-01 VERBALIZE intent TO thing :ARG1-of intend-01 VERBALIZE opinion TO thing :ARG1-of opine-01 VERBALIZE painting TO picture :ARG1-of paint-02 VERBALIZE prisoner TO person :ARG1-of imprison-01 VERBALIZE suggestion TO thing :ARG1-of suggest-01 VERBALIZE surrounding TO location :ARG1-of surround-01 VERBALIZE symbol TO thing :ARG1-of symbolize-01 VERBALIZE transferee TO person :ARG1-of transfer-01 VERBALIZE yield TO thing :ARG1-of yield-03 VERBALIZE blessing TO thing :ARG2-of bless-01 VERBALIZE evacuee TO person :ARG2-of evacuate-01 VERBALIZE justification TO thing :ARG2-of justify-01 VERBALIZE summary TO thing :ARG2-of summarize-01 VERBALIZE abusive TO abuse-01 VERBALIZE acceptable TO accept-01 VERBALIZE accumulative TO accumulate-01 VERBALIZE accumulatively TO accumulate-01 VERBALIZE administrative TO administrate-01 VERBALIZE advisory TO advise-01 VERBALIZE afraid TO fear-01 VERBALIZE alive TO live-01 VERBALIZE anti TO oppose-01 VERBALIZE anti TO counter-01 VERBALIZE anti TO destroy-01 VERBALIZE asleep TO sleep-01 VERBALIZE attractive TO attract-01 VERBALIZE aware TO realize-01 VERBALIZE beneficial TO benefit-01 VERBALIZE coercive TO coerce-01 VERBALIZE commendable TO commend-01 VERBALIZE comparative TO compare-01 VERBALIZE comparatively TO compare-01 VERBALIZE competitive TO compete-01 VERBALIZE compulsory TO compel-01 VERBALIZE continual TO continue-01 VERBALIZE continuous TO continue-01 VERBALIZE cooperative TO cooperate-01 VERBALIZE dead TO die-01 VERBALIZE dead TO kill-01 VERBALIZE deadly TO die-01 VERBALIZE deadly TO kill-01 VERBALIZE destructive TO destroy-01 VERBALIZE detestable TO detest-01 VERBALIZE different TO differ-02 VERBALIZE discriminatory TO discriminate-02 VERBALIZE disgraceful TO disgrace-01 VERBALIZE disputable TO dispute-01 VERBALIZE dominant TO dominate-01 VERBALIZE educational TO educate-01 VERBALIZE emphatically TO emphasize-01 VERBALIZE expectantly TO expect-01 VERBALIZE exploratory TO explore-01 VERBALIZE fearful TO fear-01 VERBALIZE forceful TO force-01 VERBALIZE foreseeable TO foresee-01 VERBALIZE governmental TO government-organization :ARG0-of govern-01 VERBALIZE hallucinatory TO hallucinate-01 VERBALIZE hungry TO hunger-01 VERBALIZE hopeful TO hope-01 VERBALIZE imaginable TO imagine-01 VERBALIZE impressive TO impress-01 VERBALIZE inflammatory TO inflame-01 VERBALIZE innovative TO innovate-01 VERBALIZE intrigueing TO intrigue-01 VERBALIZE justifiable TO justify-01 VERBALIZE legislative TO legislate-01 VERBALIZE measurable TO measure-01 VERBALIZE meritorious TO merit-01 VERBALIZE migratory TO migrate-01 VERBALIZE observational TO observe-01 VERBALIZE operational TO operate-01 VERBALIZE painful TO pain-01 VERBALIZE painfully TO pain-01 VERBALIZE peacekeeping TO keep-01 :ARG1 peace VERBALIZE precursory TO precede-01 VERBALIZE preferential TO prefer-01 VERBALIZE preparatory TO prepare-02 VERBALIZE presumably TO presume-02 VERBALIZE prevalent TO prevail-02 VERBALIZE proud TO pride-01 VERBALIZE prosperous TO prosper-01 VERBALIZE protective TO protect-01 VERBALIZE rebellious TO rebel-01 VERBALIZE regulatory TO regulate-01 VERBALIZE repeatedly TO repeat-01 VERBALIZE resentful TO resent-01 VERBALIZE respectful TO respect-01 VERBALIZE rusty TO rust-01 VERBALIZE seemingly TO seem-01 VERBALIZE similar TO resemble-01 VERBALIZE sufficient TO suffice-01 VERBALIZE surprisingly TO surprise-01 VERBALIZE taxable TO tax-01 VERBALIZE thirsty TO thirst-01 VERBALIZE traceable TO trace-02 VERBALIZE transferrable TO transfer-01 VERBALIZE unbiased TO bias-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unburdened TO burden-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE uncensored TO censor-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE undecided TO decide-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE understandable TO understand-01 VERBALIZE unedited TO edit-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unexplored TO explore-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unforeseen TO foresee-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unfulfilled TO fulfill-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unhindered TO hinder-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unimpeded TO impede-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unmaintained TO maintain-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unnamed TO name-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unrealized TO realize-02 :polarity - VERBALIZE unrelenting TO relent-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unsolved TO solve-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unsurpassed TO surpass-01 :polarity - VERBALIZE unswayed TO sway-02 :polarity - VERBALIZE valuable TO value-01 VERBALIZE voluntary TO volunteer-01 VERBALIZE willing TO will-02 VERBALIZE wishful TO wish-01 VERBALIZE continually TO continue-01 VERBALIZE increasingly TO increase-01 VERBALIZE overwhelmingly TO overwhelm-01 VERBALIZE reportedly TO report-01 MAP foreigner TO foreign MAP global TO globe MAP hearted TO heart MAP Kirghizia TO Kyrgyzstan MAP Kirghizian TO Kyrgyzstan MAP municipal TO city MAP national TO nation MAP nuclear TO nucleus MAP partly TO part MAP reunify TO re-unify