:timezone (AMR annotation guidance) |
Example: 10:00 UTC
(d / date-entity :time "10:00" :timezone "UTC")
Example: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, at 4:30pm PST
(d / date-entity :month 2 :day 29 :year 2012 :time "16:30" :timezone "PST"
:weekday (w / wednesday))
Local and inofficial timezones are annotated using concepts:
Example: eight o'clock in the morning local time
(d / date-entity :time "8:00"
:timezone (l / local-02))
Example: 10am California time
(d / date-entity :time "10:00"
:timezone (s / state :wiki "California"
:name (n / name :op1 "California")))
See also general examples for date entities.