:time before and after   (AMR annotation guidance)

We express many temporal expressions with before and after: Argument structure:

Example:  The nation defaulted after the war.
     (d / default-01
           :ARG1 (n / nation)
           :time (a / after
                 :op1 (w / war)))

Example:  He retired more than five years ago .
     (r / retire-01
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :time (b / before
                 :op1 (n / now)
                 :quant (m / more-than
                       :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 5
                             :unit (y / year)))))

Example:  I will leave in 20 minutes.
     (l / leave-11
           :ARG0 (i / i)
           :time (a / after
                 :op1 (n / now)
                 :quant (t / temporal-quantity :quant 20
                       :unit (m / minute))))

Example:  The police interviewed more than 100 witnesses in the 2 months after the murder.
     (i / interview-01
           :ARG0 (p / police)
           :ARG1 (p2 / person
                 :ARG0-of (w / witness-01)
                 :quant (m3 / more-than :op1 100))
           :time (a / after
                 :op1 (m / murder-01)
                 :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2
                       :unit (m2 / month))))

Example:  The police identified the murderer 2 months after the murder.
     (i / identify-01
           :ARG0 (p / police)
           :ARG1 (p2 / person
                 :ARG0-of (m / murder-01))
           :time (a / after
                 :op1 m
                 :quant (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2
                       :unit (m2 / month))))

Example:  "They will get married two weeks from tomorrow."
     (m / marry-01
           :ARG1 (t / they)
           :time (a / after
                 :op1 (t2 / tomorrow)
                 :quant (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 2
                       :unit (w / week))))

Example:  We have visited Paris twice in the last three years.
     (v / visit-01 :frequency 2
           :ARG0 (w / we)
           :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Paris"
                 :name (n / name :op1 "Paris"))
           :time (b / before
                 :op1 (n2 / now)
                 :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 3
                       :unit (y / year))))

Example:  Inflation is expected to rise during the next 2 years.
     (e / expect-01
           :ARG1 (r / rise-01
                 :ARG1 (i / inflation)
                 :time (a / after
                       :op1 (n / now)
                       :quant (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2
                             :unit (y / year)))))

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