include-91   (AMR annotation guidance)

The frame include-91 describes a subset/superset relationship. include-91 is often used without any occurrence or the verb to include in the sentence.

    :ARG1  subset
    :ARG2  superset
    :ARG3  relative size

Example:  "10% of smokers die of lung cancer."
     (i / include-91
           :ARG1 (p / person
                 :ARG1-of (d / die-01
                       :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01
                             :ARG0 (d2 / disease :wiki "Lung_cancer" :name (n / name :op1 "lung" :op2 "cancer")))))
           :ARG2 (p2 / person
                 :ARG0-of (s2 / smoke-02))
           :ARG3 (p3 / percentage-entity :value 10))

Example:  "Thomas is one of the few boys in Kentucky who speak Latin ."
     (i / include-91
           :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Thomas"))
           :ARG2 (b / boy
                 :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91
                       :ARG2 (b2 / boy
                             :location (s / state :wiki "Kentucky" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kentucky")))
                       :ARG3 (f / few))
                 :ARG0-of (s2 / speak-01
                       :ARG3 (l / language :wiki "Latin" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Latin")))))

Example:  "26 of the 44 countries in Europe are members of NATO."
     (i / include-91
           :ARG1 (c / country :quant 26
                 :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91
                       :ARG1 (m3 / military :wiki "NATO"
                             :name (n2 / name :op1 "NATO"))
                       :ARG2 (m2 / member)))
           :ARG2 (c2 / country :quant 44
                 :location (c3 / continent :wiki "Europe"
                       :name (n / name :op1 "Europe"))))

The AMR Editor offers   :subset   as a shortcut for   :ARG2-of  include-91 :ARG1.

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