:scale   (AMR annotation guidance)

:scale is used in certain quantities such as temperature-quantity, seismic-quantity, where a :quant 0 does not represent a 0-quantity.
:scale takes the place of the :unit role that we find in normal quantities.

Example:  "7.9 on the Richter scale"
     (s / seismic-quantity :quant 7.9
           :scale (r / richter))

Example:  "an earthquake of intensity XII on the Modified Mercalli scale"
     (e / earthquake
           :quant (s / seismic-quantity :quant 12
                 :scale (m / mercalli
                       :ARG1-of (m2 / modify-01))))

Example:  "a quake of magnitude 6.9 on the Moment scale"
     (q / quake-01
           :quant (s / seismic-quantity :quant 6.9
                 :scale (m / moment)))

Example:  "She heated the oven to 250 degrees Celsius."
     (h / heat-01
           :ARG0 (s / she)
           :ARG1 (o / oven)
           :destination (t / temperature-quantity :quant 250
                 :scale (c / celsius)))

DO NOT use :scale for earthquakes when no scale is provided.

Example:  "The 9.3 Tohoku earthquake occured in the year Heisei 23 ."
     (e / earthquake
           :location (c / country-region :wiki "Tōhoku_region"
                 :name (n / name :op1 "Tohoku"))
           :quant (s / seismic-quantity :quant 9.3)
           :time (d / date-entity :year 23 :era "Heisei"
                 :calendar (c2 / country :wiki "Japan"
                       :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan"))))

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