rate-entity   (AMR annotation guidance)

We use rate-entity-91 to express frequencies and other rate entities. Argument structure: :ARG2 and :ARG3 are somewhat similar, but :ARG3 is more specific than :ARG2 in that it describes a regular interval between events, which :ARG2 does not, or at least not necessarily.
In the following two examples, twice a year could refer to something occurring every Thanksgiving and Christmas, not necessarily every six months.

Note that in the earnings example below, the employee probably never gets $42,000 at any one time, but more likely $3,500 every month. The employee might not even work for the company for a full year and therefore earn a total of less than $42,000. So the $42,000 per year is an earning rate rather than a $42,000 earning event happening once a year. This difference is similar to the difference between a distance and a speed: He drove 50 miles. vs. He drove 50 miles per hour. where the latter case is about speed and does not say anything about the distance driven. So you can think of $42,000 per year as a "monetary speed."

Example:  twice a year
     (r / rate-entity-91
           :ARG1 2
           :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                 :unit (y / year)))

Example:  I have to renew my car insurance every six months.
     (o / obligate-01
           :ARG2 (r / renew-01
                 :ARG0 (i / i)
                 :ARG1 (i2 / insure-02
                       :ARG1 (c / car
                             :poss i)
                       :ARG3 i)
                 :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91
                       :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 6
                             :unit (m / month)))))

Example:  He earns $42,000 per year.
     (e / earn-01
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :ARG1 (r / rate-entity-91
                 :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 42000
                       :unit (d / dollar))
                 :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                       :unit (y / year))))

Example:  $3 per gallon
     (r / rate-entity-91
           :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 3
                 :unit (d / dollar))
           :ARG2 (v / volume-quantity :quant 1
                 :unit (g / gallon)))

Example:  every other week
     (r / rate-entity-91
           :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2
                 :unit (w / week)))

Example:  every other Wednesday
     (r / rate-entity-91
           :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2
                 :unit (w / week))
           :ARG4 (d / date-entity
                 :weekday (w2 / wednesday)))

Example:  $2 a person every 5 miles whenever it snows
     (r / rate-entity-91
           :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 2
                 :unit (d / dollar))
           :ARG2 (p / person)
           :ARG3 (d2 / distance-quantity :quant 5
                 :unit (m2 / mile))
           :ARG4 (s / snow-01))

Example:  We recommend an oil change every 3,000 miles.
     (r / recommend-01
           :ARG0 (w / we)
           :ARG1 (c / change-01
                 :ARG1 (o / oil)
                 :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91
                       :ARG3 (d / distance-quantity :quant 3000
                             :unit (m / mile)))))

Example:  We play bridge every Wednesday afternoon.
     (p / play-01
           :ARG0 (w / we)
           :ARG1 (b / bridge)
           :frequency (r / rate-entity-91
                 :ARG4 (d / date-entity
                       :weekday (w2 / wednesday)
                       :dayperiod (a / afternoon))))

Example:  He calls me every day at 8am and 5pm.
     (c / call-02
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :ARG1 (i / i)
           :frequency (r / rate-entity-91
                 :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                       :unit (d3 / day))
                 :ARG4 (a / and
                       :op1 (d / date-entity :time "8:00")
                       :op2 (d2 / date-entity :time "17:00"))))

Example:  The charity sends out an annual newsletter.
     (s / send-out-04
           :ARG0 (c / charity)
           :ARG1 (n / newsletter)
           :frequency (r / rate-entity-91
                 :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                       :unit (y / year))))

Example:  "We meet several times a month."
     (m / meet-03
           :ARG0 (w / we)
           :frequency (r / rate-entity-91
                 :ARG1 (s / several)
                 :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1
                       :unit (m2 / month))))

Example of :frequency without rate-entity-91:

Example:  "We met three times."
     (m / meet-03 :frequency 3
           :ARG0 (w / we))

Example:  "We meet often."
     (m / meet-03
           :ARG0 (w / we)
           :frequency (o / often))

Keywords and patterns often associated with rate-entity-91:

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