Named Entities   (AMR annotation guidance)

Related pages: List of NE types, Selecting an NE type.

Examples of named entities (NEs): New York, Michael Bloomberg, Manhattan, CIA, Panama Canal, Titanic

Example:  "France"
     (c / country :wiki "France"
           :name (n / name :op1 "France"))

Example:  "New York"
     (c / city :wiki "New_York_City"
           :name (n / name :op1 "New" :op2 "York"))

Example:  "The poet William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon."
     (b / bear-02
           :ARG1 (p / poet :wiki "William_Shakespeare"
                 :name (n / name :op1 "William" :op2 "Shakespeare"))
           :location (c / city :wiki "Stratford-upon-Avon"
                 :name (n2 / name :op1 "Stratford-upon-Avon")))

A named entity is expressed by a concept denoting its type (e.g. city), followed by role :name and concept name, which in turn has sub-roles such as :op1 and :op2. This substructure is required, even if the named entity has only a single word as in Russia or Obama.
Note that we don't split hyphenated compounds (such as Stratford-upon-Avon) or possessive suffixes (such as the 's in People's Mujahedin).

The AMR is a bit complex, but the AMR Editor facilitates adding a named entity to an AMR, providing you with two choices:

  1. Template: click on the blue "add-ne" box and fill in all the blanks.
    Click on the blue role: or NE type: boxes to get help making the right selection.
  2. Alternatively, type in a text command such as:   x :location city New York
    where x is the parent variable, :location is the role, city is the type of named entity, and New York is the specific name, with one or more components.
For text input, typically faster in the long run, there are a number of support features

Examples: How to enter a named entity in the AMR Editor, step by step

Example:  "Michael Bloomberg laughed ."
     (l / laugh-01
           :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Michael_Bloomberg"
                 :name (n / name :op1 "Michael" :op2 "Bloomberg")))

  1. Type   top laugh-01
  2. Type   l :arg0 person Michael Bloomberg

Example:  "New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg lives in Manhattan ."
     (l / live-01
           :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Michael_Bloomberg"
                 :name (n2 / name :op1 "Michael" :op2 "Bloomberg")
                 :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91
                       :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "New_York_City"
                             :name (n / name :op1 "New" :op2 "York"))
                       :ARG2 (m / mayor)))
           :location (c2 / city-district :wiki "Manhattan"
                 :name (n3 / name :op1 "Manhattan")))

  1. Type   top live
  2. Click on   live
  3. In popup-window, click on sense   live.01
  4. Type   l :arg0 mayor Michael Bloomberg
  5. Let's assume you are not sure about the proper role to relate mayor and New York.
    Type   m :?
  6. In popup-window, click on role   :poss
  7. You will now see   m :poss
  8. Complete typing   m :poss city New York
  9. Let's assume you are not sure about the proper exact named-entity type for Manhattan.
    Type   l :location ?
  10. In popup-window, click on entity type   city-district
  11. You will now see   l :location city-district
  12. Complete typing   l :location city-district Manhattan

Mistake to avoid: collapsed :name construction

Incorrect:   (c / country :name "France")

The correct way is to use :name name :op1 ... even if the name has only a single component:

Example:  "France"
     (c / country :wiki "France"
           :name (n / name :op1 "France"))

Video recommendation: Annotating names in AMR (2 minutes) on the video page.

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