:instrument   (AMR annotation guidance)

:instrument describes the physical object used in an action, typically a tool, device, weapon, or a body part such as a finger or fist.
If you want to more generally describe how or in what way something is done, then consider using :manner instead.

Example:  I ate pasta with a fork .
     (e / eat-01
           :ARG0 (i / i)
           :ARG1 (p / pasta)
           :instrument (f / fork-yy))

Example:  Iraq launched a missile attack.
     (a / attack-01
           :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Iraq"
                 :name (n / name :op1 "Iraq"))
           :instrument (m / missile))

Example:  He ate the pizza with his fingers.
     (e / eat-01
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :ARG1 (p / pizza)
           :instrument (f / finger
                 :part-of h))

Example:  He recovered the frisbee with a long stick.
     (r / recover-02
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :ARG1 (f / frisbee)
           :instrument (s / stick
                 :ARG1-of (l / long-03)))

Make sure you use any core role :ARGx designated for instruments, if available:

Example:  He caught the fish with a net.
     (c / catch-03
           :ARG0 (h / he)
           :ARG1 (f / fish)
           :ARG2 (n / net))

Reification: have-instrument-91

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