infer-01   (AMR annotation guidance)

Use infer-01 to annotate inferences, which in a sentence might be expressed by a range of terms such as therefore or must:

Example:  I think, therefore I am .
     (i / infer-01
           :ARG1 (b / be-02
                 :ARG1 (i2 / i))
           :ARG2 (t / think-01
                 :ARG0 i2))

Example:  John isn't here, he must be sick.
     (i / infer-01
           :ARG1 (s / sick-05
                 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "John")))
           :ARG2 (b / be-located-at-91 :polarity -
                 :ARG1 p
                 :ARG2 (h / here)))

Note: However, in most cases, must is annotated using obligate-01.

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